Launch Plan

Launch Plan

I assume my first 100 customers will be Roblox creators who’ve made some money…

Executive Summary

  • Launch Yodex: A revolutionary app where TikTok meets Kahoot but for finance education tailored for wealthy Gen Alpha Roblox creators.
  • Target Audience: Focus on Gen Alpha Roblox creators who have begun to monetise their creations, leveraging platforms where they are most active, including Roblox forums, TikTok, and YouTube.
  • Growth Strategy: Utilize a mix of influencer partnerships, social media marketing, and community engagement to build anticipation, drive early adoption, and collect actionable feedback for continuous improvement. 😜

Actions for w/c @March 4, 2024

Create landing page.
beehiiv pub β€” domain, welcome email
Yep landing page β€” MVP design & copy
In-app sign up prompt β€” email capture
Lemon squeezy
beehiiv β€” welcome email
yep landing page
Bubble upgrade page
Custom domains β€” Yep, Bubble
Send to Slack for feedback: Harold, Deep, Serafin
Find out the communities, social platforms and groups where Roblox creators hang out.

Actions for Month 2

Run targeted Facebook/Instagram ads against landing page to millennial parents.
Do things that don’t scale
DM influencers to try out the app and share it if they like it
Comment on Twitch streams of popular Roblox creators
Acquire users from Reddit, Discord Roblox communities/forums.
Tap personal network and 100DaysOfNoCode community.

Target Audience

  • Demographics: Wealthy Gen Alpha Roblox creators, ages 10-16, who are tech-savvy, engage in online communities, and are interested in gaming and finance.
  • Platforms: Roblox forums, TikTok, YouTube, Instagram, and educational gaming blogs.


  • Engagement Through Gamification: Merging the addictive nature of TikTok with the educational format of Duolingo, Yodex offers a unique, continuous quiz flow that makes learning about finance fun and impactful.
  • Community and Incentivization: Beyond individual learning, Yodex fosters a community of like-minded creators, offering incentives for participation and achievements within the app.

Marketing Tactics

Launch Phase

  • Influencer Collaborations: Partner with Roblox influencers and financial educators on TikTok and YouTube to create buzz. They can share their experiences with Yodex through sponsored content, challenges, or reviews.
  • Social Media Campaigns: Utilize short, engaging video content and interactive polls on TikTok to showcase app features and quiz teasers, driving curiosity and sign-ups for early access.
  • Community Engagement: Host challenges and competitions within Roblox, rewarding winners with early access or exclusive features in Yodex.

Uncontested Marketing Channels

  • Open Graph
  • Mobile notifications

Long-term Strategy

  • Content Marketing: Regularly update the app's social media channels with tips, user achievements, and feature updates to keep the audience engaged and attract new users.
  • Educational Partnerships: Collaborate with educational institutions, schools and gaming platforms to introduce Yodex as a tool for finance education, expanding its reach and credibility.
  • Feedback Loops: Establish channels for user feedback through social media, in-app tools, and community forums, using insights to improve the app iteratively.


  • Allocate the initial marketing budget with a focus on digital advertising (FB/Insta [parents] TikTok [users] ads) and influencer partnerships, with adjustments based on early performance and feedback.
  • Set aside funds for content creation, including video production and app development updates based on user feedback.
  • Bootstrap with a budget of $100/month β€” use any early Subscription Revenue for investment into marketing.


  • User Acquisition: Track sign-ups, app downloads, and active users to measure reach and engagement.
  • Engagement Metrics: Monitor time spent on the app, quiz completion rates, and interaction with the AI mentor to gauge user interest and content effectiveness.
  • Feedback and Retention: Analyse user feedback for insights into app improvements and measure retention rates to understand long-term engagement.

Growth Hacking


β€œUsing the 'Customer Development Process' framework, please write a marketing campaign outline that identifies and validates customer needs for our [product/service] and describes how you would build and test prototypes to meet those needs. Outline the steps you would take to iterate based on customer feedback and include specific tactics and metrics you would use to measure success.”


Utilizing the Customer Development Process framework, the marketing campaign for Yodex will focus on four core phases: Customer Discovery, Customer Validation, Customer Creation, and Company Building. The campaign is designed to ensure that Yodex meets the evolving needs of wealthy Gen A Roblox creators by engaging them directly in the product's development and refinement process.

Phase 1: Customer Discovery

Objective: Identify and understand the financial education needs of Gen A Roblox creators.

  1. Conduct Interviews and Surveys: Contact the Roblox community through forums, social media, and influencer networks to gather insights on their financial literacy challenges and desires.
  2. Analyze Online Behavior: Use tools like Google Analytics and social media insights to understand where this demographic spends their time and how they engage with content.
  3. Hypothesis Testing: Formulate assumptions about financial education gaps among Gen A Roblox creators and test these through targeted content on platforms like TikTok and YouTube.

Metrics: Engagement rates (likes, shares, comments) on exploratory content, survey completion rates, and qualitative feedback themes.

Phase 2: Customer Validation

Objective: Validate that Yodex's approach to financial education meets user needs and is something they are willing to engage with or pay for.

  1. Prototype Development: Develop a minimum viable product (MVP) for Yodex that includes core features like the TikTok-style interactive quiz and basic AI mentor functionalities.
  2. Early Adopter Program: Launch a beta version accessible to users who sign up for early access. Promote this through influencers, social media, and Roblox community channels.
  3. Feedback Collection: Implement in-app feedback mechanisms and conduct follow-up interviews with beta users to collect detailed insights on their experience.

Metrics: Beta sign-up rates, user retention rates, user activity within the app, and feedback sentiment analysis.

Phase 3: Customer Creation

Objective: Scale up customer acquisition through targeted marketing campaigns based on validated customer interests and needs.

  1. Targeted Advertising: Launch digital ad campaigns on platforms frequented by the target demographic, using insights from the discovery and validation phases to tailor messaging.
  2. Content Marketing: Develop and distribute educational and engaging content that highlights Yodex's unique selling points, leveraging SEO, social media, and influencer partnerships.
  3. Engagement and Retention Strategies: Introduce app features and community events that encourage ongoing engagement, such as financial literacy challenges and leaderboards.

Metrics: Conversion rates from advertising, growth in user base, engagement metrics (daily active users, session length), and content reach (views, shares).

Phase 4: Company Building

Objective: Transition from a startup mode to a structured company poised for growth based on a validated business model and customer base.

  1. Operational Scaling: Develop internal processes and systems to support a growing user base, including customer support, feedback analysis, and feature development.
  2. Market Expansion: Explore opportunities to broaden the product's appeal, such as introducing advanced features for the AI mentor or expanding into other gaming communities.
  3. Continuous Improvement: Establish a loop of ongoing customer feedback and product iteration, ensuring Yodex stays aligned with user needs and industry trends.

Metrics: Customer support satisfaction rates, time to resolve issues, new user acquisition rates, and churn rates.

Specific Tactics for Iteration Based on Feedback:

  • A/B Testing: Regularly test different features, content, and marketing messages, analyzing performance to understand what resonates best with the target audience.
  • User Community: Build a strong user community through forums, social media groups, or in-app channels, encouraging users to share their experiences and suggestions.
  • Feature Voting: Allow users to vote on new features or content they would like to see, prioritising development based on direct user input.

Success Metrics:

  • User Growth: Monthly increase in active users.
  • Engagement: Average time spent in the app and frequency of use.
  • Customer Satisfaction: Net Promoter Score (NPS) and feedback sentiment.
  • Conversion Rates: From free to paid users (for those accessing the AI mentor feature).

By following this framework, Yodex aims to not only launch a product that meets the specific needs of its target audience but also to foster a loyal user base that contributes to the product's continuous evolution.


A distribution strategy for your MVP targeting Gen Alpha could involve the following steps:

  1. Social Media Campaigns: Utilize platforms where Gen Alpha is active, such as TikTok, Snapchat, and Instagram. Create engaging content that aligns with the interests and habits of this generation.
  2. Influencer Partnerships: Collaborate with influencers who have a significant following within the Gen Alpha demographic. They could promote the app and explain its benefits and features.
  3. School Partnerships: Since Gen Alpha includes children and young teens, partnering with schools could be a great way to introduce the app and its financial literacy benefits. Offer educators resources and tools to help integrate the app into their curricula.
  4. Interactive Challenges or Contests: Organize online challenges or contests related to financial literacy. This will not only engage the target audience but also educate them about the importance of financial health.
  5. Parental Involvement: Encourage parents to use the app with their children. This can help parents teach their kids about financial responsibility, and the app's features can facilitate these discussions.
  6. App Store Optimization: Ensure your app is easily discoverable on app stores. Use keywords that Gen Alpha or their parents might use when searching for educational or financial literacy apps.
Social Media Campaigns: Utilize TikTok where Gen Alpha is active. Create engaging content that aligns with the interests and habits of this generation.

Initial TikTok Marketing Campaign: "Finance Fails Challenge"

This campaign would engage with Gen Alpha's love for challenges and viral trends on TikTok. Users would be encouraged to share a short video of a funny or exaggerated portrayal of bad financial decisions (e.g., buying an unnecessary luxury item, spending all their allowance at once, etc.). The most creative and engaging videos would be rewarded with early access to the app or exclusive features.

This campaign could be promoted with the help of influencers popular with Gen Alpha and through paid advertising on TikTok itself.

The budget for this campaign might be around $10,000 to $20,000. This would cover the costs of influencer partnerships, paid advertising, and the rewards for the challenge winners.